Today is a new day but yet life continues on as it did yesterday, yet my thoughts and feelings are a bit different today. December 2017 I made a huge decision to make a very significant leap into the unknown and all of 2018 was a journey of change in my thoughts and feelings. I acknowledged them and listened to them. There was alot of anquish, anxiety, tears but there was also laughter and smiles and reconnection's with friendships I let slide to the side for so long. So often in life, we don't pay attention to what is really going on in our heart, our mind, our dreams, or with our friends because we are too caught up in our own or others pain but now it is time to pay attention to all that is around us and find the joy.
So for the next 364 days, my goal is to journal my new journey into a new state and to a new way of thinking and yes in some ways, to a new life. Come along for the ride and lets see what happens.